Friday, November 03, 2006

It's the least wonderful time of the year...

Once again, political season is upon us. Yippee! We get to watch hundreds of commercials of people constantly slandering their opponents, all I'm left with is the name of the opponent... Who am I supposed to vote for again?

WARNING - Here comes the reant....I can't stand it! These buffoons talk about things of the past, how they did this or that... Hey, douche bags! If you want me to vote for you, tell me what you're GOING to do! And as far as slandering your opponent because they're:

-a criminal
-an adulterer
-someone who takes cash on the side
-someone who always misses votes on the floor
-an idiot

Guess what? YOU'RE ALL IDIOTS!

If you WANT to be a politician, you clearly have something wrong with you. You can say you "want to make a difference" or "want to change the world"... Guess what? YOU'RE AN IDIOT. You can make MORE change and affect the world more positively without being in a political office.

Me thinks you want to be a politician for:

-the money
-the illegal money
-the corporate interest money
-the supposed prestige and power
-or possibly the money

Look... the world, our government and most decision makers are ALL stupid. People are stupid. We don't ever do what's right, we do what's right for US. If we did what's right, we'd already have hunger, cancer, AIDS and pollution eradicated. We'd have the free electricity everywhere int he world through solar collection, wind generation and get this - lightning collection. Geez, just like the guy (Edison) who paved the way for electricity usage said we should do way back before the year 1900!!!

Do you think a politician will EVER allow us to use FREE and endless resources AND give them away for FREE instead of using highly profitable (and horribly polluting) coal or even more highly profitable (and dangerously radioactive) nuclear power? Or even more highly profitable (and highly polluting and war mongering) oil??? Hell no.

Why? Because it's always been that way. Teh answers to all of our problems are SO SIMPLE that they DON'T make sense to our programmed-to-think-a-certain-way feeble little minds... What is that certain way? Don't think.

Don't think for yourself. Don't find something simpler, like collecting your rainwater to water your garden and precious green grass... Use the water from the resevoirs and from the aquafers and wells and suck the ground dry instead!!! Hell take a 500 gallon shower while you're at it, do a couple of half-loads of dishes in your dishwasher. Don't worry about the thousands of people dying around the world because they have no drinkable water, it's not your problem, right?

Don't think for yourself. Don't use a renewable resource like straw to build a house. Burn the straw, pollute the environment and use known cancer-causing and mold retaining fiberglass to insulate your house at twice the cost and a third of the effectiveness. Baled straw has an insulating factor of r50 while fiberglass is around r15. Now let the big, bad wolf know that baled straw doesn't burn. Of course, let the lumber and insulation industry just keep baled straw a big secret or laugh it off...

The answers are right before us, IDIOTS. The answers are so simple and we are so complex we'll never see it. Caveman didn't need TiVo. Egyptians didn't use computers to build the pyramids. Everything you'll ever need is right here already, yet we're looking for answers 'out there'.

Gee, just think if we took all the money we spent on going into space and fought diseases and world hunger with it instead? Where would we be today?

Where would we be if we didn't make HALF of the "blockbuster movies" (they sucked anyway) and instead used the money to support all of these worthy causes that Hollywood always SAYS they supporting? Me think AIDS would be the new smallpox and for God's sake (and every man's), breast cancer would be loooong gone!

Just think if we spent our time designing engines that run on water and have a by-product of water and oxygen instead of paying $3.00 a gallon for gas because of hyperbole and fear mongering... oh yeah, the design for the engine I describe ALREADY HAS BEEN DESIGNED. Hey, politicians WHY are we still using oil, anyway??? IDIOTS.

It "used to be" the American way to innovate and overcome obstacles as a way to provide a simpler, more effective way of life. Now we have less freedom than ever. We're tied to our cellphone, filling our SUV with 40 gallons of 94 octane or contemplating Paris Hilton's next event.

But because we're too lazy and fat to do the work up front to take care of the problems later on... of course eliminating problems before they become problems is not what humans do well. Want an example? Just take a look at Congress.


Anonymous said...

It's all about money. If greed did not exist, all of these things would have happened by now. But too many rich and powerful people are concerned about becoming more rich and powerful and they do so at the expense of the majority. Politicians allow it to continue so that THEY can get more rich and powerful. The only way anything will ever change is if we have a new revolution. I'm up for it and I'm sure many others are as well but there will never be enough to overthrow the government, especially considering the Bush administration is taking away more of our rights every day. It's sad to think that what we did back in 1776 could never happen today. You're better of moving to another country. Have any good tips on some up and coming super powers?

Manny Stiles said...

I'm just practicing everything Thomas Jefferson taught me. I quietly disobey unjust laws, I seek the freedoms I am endowed from my creator and I plan on eventually just taking myself "out of society" one day (turn off the TV for a week and watch your health and mood increase!). Living off the land and "out of the grid" is a dream that CAN be realized still here in America. It just takes a vision, planning and (here it comes) hard work.

The ground work for a lower-class revolution has been growing for years. There's too much separation between the haves and the have nots. Eventually the people in between (who want what the haves have, but are too proud to see themselves as similar to the have nots) are going to get pulled under by the momentum.

Clearly things HAVE to change, or they will anyway (and in a way messier manner).

The key to all of this (and for the revolutionaries) is to be the change they want to see in the world. If enough people wake up and do what they want instead of doing what commercialism tells them they want, THEN the scales will tip. Unfortunately, there's too many people coming through the pipeline wanting to worship Paris Hilton, Brooke Hogan and Jessica Simpson instead of being exactly who THEY are, gaining life skills, practical knowledge and turning away from "What's hot this week" (Guess what, it won't be hot tomorrow, schmuck) therefore, benefitting themselves and in turn, mankind...

It just takes a little de-programming from the push to consume (isn't that the basis of greed?)

maybe I should write a post about this in the future?

david said...

The hardest thing is for people to de-program. I really want change but when I sit down and truly look at myself, I am a lot closer to the people I rail against than the way I would like things to be. You are really good at putting things in perspective. You and I should start the next Rage Against the Machine. You can be the opinionated lead singer and I will be the guy that plays funky guitar solos and then breaks up the band to start Soundgarden: The Sequel.

Manny Stiles said...

It's only hard if you think it is... like anything - as goes above, so goes below.

Mindset is bodyset.

Your being only does what the soul allows and marketers, advertisers and politicians KNOW that. Why do cars only last 5 years? So you have to buy another one. Computer technology changes so you have to upgrade. Hell, mattresses only last 15 years!!!

These people KNOW if they solve the problem, then they have a problem.

It's not easy to step aside from it all, but it IS easy not to become part of it. Just walk around and look at your things and ask yourself "What would I NEED if I was a caveman 10,000 years ago?"

If you can get to that point, then "What would I need if society collapsed?" makes a lot more sense.

Ultimately, you have (or should have) everything you need right inside you. It's all Perspective and Understanding. trust that it will work out no matter what.

Don't chase other people's dreams, fulfill your own.

I'll play rhythm guitar/bass =)