Thursday, December 15, 2005

If you read this, you've gone too far

A few things -

If you're interested in purchasing any of my recordings, feel free to e-mail me or one of my 'associates' @

depending on how cool you are I'll make a tailor-suited CD containing somewhere in the neighborhood of 13-20 songs - obviously you're extra cool if you're reading this blog, right?

ALL for a measly $5.00USD (free freakin' shipping included, too!)- email me for the DEEtales

I can sell CD's for $5, because I'm the producer, distributor, marketer, performer, writer, agent, and President of Beats By Man Productions - so my overhead is low (that's good business speak)

Where else can you find a CDs worth of music for $5 ? ? ?


[Mention this BLOG]

I will include one of the stupidest songs ever recorded, FOR FREE!!! (purchase of CD required)
"Din dint dunn (Philadelphia)" Manny Stiles featuring Jerm from Chemland (representin' Ridge Squad)

Here's a reeal life recommendation:
"I am actually listening to it right now, it may be the stupidest songs EVER, but it bumps" - music enthusiast & shameless self-promoter Erik Kombol


in other news;

if you're reading this regularly, I hope you are amused, entertained and even possibly enlightened, unheavied or contemplating entertaining the thought of separating yourself from your cash for a very worthy cause - the success of my Production company [warning:shameless promotion ahead] Beats by Man Productions, a divisioin of MuTeCoRe.

The purpose of me blogging was indeed to crack open the music realm and pour it into the written mediums. But occasionally I'll toss in some movie script ideas...that's write...oops I mean "right!!!" I am willing to sell movie concepts to the highest bidders - some I'll give away for free if people just MAKE THE MOVIE - more on that later

I gave ya a taste of a column that was current eventy - I might do a weekly news piece unless some one objects because it sucks or something...

A Guide to New Year's Resolutions - by Manny Stiles, is coming SOON!!! Watch the flock OUT!!!

A new regularly featured piece will be a picture with song lyrics - actual Manny Stiles written, performed, collaborated or produced songs of random importance - you'll see

"I will try to keep stuff fresh" - that is my Blog mission statement of the week

If you find this interesting, tell a friend to read it too - Let's start a pointless, yet hopefully financially rewarding (for me, of course) phenomena!!!

and to quote my senior yearbook - "love, peace and hairgrease"

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