Thursday, December 15, 2005

Free movie idea #1

I promised a free movie idea, here - I will submit for your approval:

"Richard Starkey" by Manny Stiles and [your name here]

I would rather see someone else make this movie because I'm too lazy/'busy' to get it done myself

It starts out rather odd in that the opening sequence is set in heaven.
God is having a routine staff meeting with his angels. Determine a few main angel characters including Elko - he's kind of a jackass for a guardian angel. (Any current Hollywood Male can star in this movie)

You see his journey through history; guarding semi-important side characters throughout the bigger events in lib, etc plenty of opportunity to build Elko's personality

Well... one sequence has Elko guarding someone who is 'not supposed to get in the way'. Elko is chatting with Lucifer, feeling the dark side's charms - gets caught 'redhanded' by God - The person whom Elko was to guard turns into...say.. OK, here's where ya pick your Hitler?, Lee Harvey Oswald? something time-sensitive from the 1940's to 70's...

Here's where you freak religeousy people (if they aren't already) God punishes Elko by Making him become guardian angel of a young Richard Starkey (aka Ringo Starr) and to ENSURE HE BECOMES A BEATLE as punishment

So you make up Ringo's childhood near mishaps that Elko has to bust his ass to ENSURE RINGO BECOMES A got it..?

His angel buddy says he has it easy - "I've read the script on this guy" the other angel says as he thumbs in the direction of Charles Manson. "Elko, don't let them record Helter Skelter, dude" he says. Elko replies "that's your problem & (something catchy)" Have fade in/fade outs cross through stars...

Fill in the gaps, glorify Ringo to an extent - go into his character Maybe Pete Best can be bought into the concept - Don't buy dogfur coats as gifts for Paul McCartney and maybe he'll be keen. Do that and everyone in Hollywood will wanna be a piece of this and may work cameos/"on the cheap"...

I think Ringo would love this concept- if ya know him, ask him (pay him) if he wants to make a cool movie

Then as the Beatles get gro0vin' the movie cuts out at the Shea concert -then have your cheesy montage of the Beatles' journey through time - fade to today- God's happy as pie and explains it to Elko that God 'really does know what he's doing... ' Switch to scene of Charles Manson being interviewed by some dorkus reporter.

Then comes the final scene, where God turns itself around and your about to see 'it and...

For the ending and shared credits, send: $500 to Manny Stiles P.O Box....

I'm kidding.. unless you really just want to send me money.

God turns it's face

and it's


.....really really

..... Ringo Starr!!!

Then exit to one of Ringo's songs, roll credits, just explained history...

Yet Another Beats By Man Production... a division of MuTeCoRe a part 2 if ya want; where another angel does something similar with several more 2nd rate stars, instead of one main Starr!!!

***Don't like that one?*** be patient, there's more to come, worries

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