Wednesday, December 21, 2005

3 Things

I have always had a very simple philosophy when it comes to this "living" in this world/realmspace at any given moment...

There are only 3 things you can do.

1. Make it better

2. Make it worse

3. Let it stay the same

keep in mind, letting things stay the same may make them better OR worse, in result...

there ya have it.

Here's a list of other "3 things" - in no logical order

-Up, down, in between
-neutrons, protons, electrons
-gold, silver, bronze
-the chicken, the egg, dinner
-win, lose, draw
-run, bike, swim
-the Three wise men - Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Johnny Walker
-the Three wise guys - Captain Morgan, Jose Cuervo, Alexander Popov
-Kentucky Derby, The Preakness, Belmont Stakes
-Bart, Lisa, Maggie
-paper, rock, scissors
-boys, girls, hermaphrodites
-punt, pass, kick
-Jesus & the two thieves
-Moe, Larry, Curly
-if, and, but
-right, wrong, depends on who shoots first
-good, better, bestest
-you, me, them
-yesterday, today, tomorrow
-time, space, everything we aren't allowed to know yet
-have you ever read Goldilocks?
-"and the rest" (as a tribute to Season 1 of Gilligan's Island)

So you can now see there is almost never a two sided issue, even a piece of paper still has an edge. (only exception I could find - Tupac & Biggie)

It has been God's gift to me to always see a third option. To me there's more than two sides to EVERYTHING - we live in a three dimensional world, afterall. Yes, this makes me very much an a$$hole to some, 'argumentative' to others. But I am really seeking peace through confustication.

Since my goal in this blog is to solve the world's problems through me making this blog a forum for raising the world's peoples general awareness and guaranteeing my impending wealth from my multi-award winning records, movies and obligatory book deals.

I just want to remind the world, even though somewhere there's going to be something you can't imagine that's going to happen, it's still fun to try.

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