Another Hallmark Holiday for the mindless masses...
(I love you, EVERY DAY, honey!)
Today should be the American Heart Association's Holiday...
(Don't eat ALL of that chocolate!!!)
First off... St Valentine (if he ever really existed!) had little to nothing to do with love...some say he was martyred for marrying young couples. His legacy was just another reason to throw a "feast'. (Needless to say, records from the first dozen centuries A.D. are a little 'hazy'.... )http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Valentine
Sound familiar? just another reason to sell some wares!!!
Then there's the whole idea of jewelry and candy and cards and flowers and lingerie....
This is the kind of thing that just keeps propagating itself. The man in the relationship is EXPECTED to spend a chunk of cash just to keep his baby happy. Well, then some Douche Bag you know goes out and blows a wad of cash on something stupid (on a girl who will end up leaving him anyway) and your girl takes notice... "Why didn't you get me something like Douche Bag did?" she says...
And what the hell is a 'right hand diamond ring'? Are you kidding me? They just make sh$t up and we buy it!!!
The diamond industry is the biggest load of crap ever... diamonds can be made from peanut butter!!! They're not RARE or anything... I can understand the value of a ruby or a sapphire... they're actually hard to find! I won't even bring up the atrocoties that take place in the mines http://www.fguide.org/Bulletin/conflictdiamonds.htm
Just $79.99 for a dozen roses delivered today------------->
(You can buy a whole rose BUSH and plant it in your yard for under $5!)
Save the cash, take responsibility and don't be a sucker!!! Why do men spend time, energy and/or money on these things? To get in her pants... why don't you just sack up and do the duty right (she wants it too!) and keep your wallet in your knickers instead of your motivation!
Don't fall for this garbage, guys!!!
Love should not be represented by an object, not by candy, not by dying flowers...but by actual LOVE... and that happens every day, not just on some pseudo-Christmas in the middle of winter..
I love you, Jes!!!
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